Fragment-Screen Staff Exchange Call


To apply for this call, and download relevant documentation, you must be logged in to an ARIA account - if you do not have an ARIA account please create one before proceeding


Fragment-Screen (FS) works on the development of new technologies and new solutions for FBDD. The aim is to encourage and facilitate the collaboration between FS partners to work on the development of these new services but also to get training and learn how to use these new tools. The Staff Exchange Programme aims to train researchers, increase collaboration and promote knowledge transfer between FS partners.

Staff exchange funding covers travel, accommodation and subsistence expenditures for the fellow up to €1600.

In preparing your application, please consider the points below:

  • The applicant home Institution (applicant’s usual workplace) must be a beneficiary or third party in FS, and staff exchange grants are awarded for staff spending for a period of time in another FS partner Institution.
  • The application requires the agreement of the FS host Institution.
  • Applications should focus on the benefit of the exchange to the FS project.
  • The applicant's ARIA profile is part of the proposal evaluation and should be complete prior to submission.
  • The Staff Exchange grant covers travel plus subsistence of the FS member visiting only, and not of any other employees.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • The applicant, if successful, will be expected to send a short report of their visit following the staff exchange.

Call Submission Guidelines


The FS Staff exchange Programme supports staff exchange from FS partners to another FS partner Institution. You can find a list of the FS partner Institutions here.  Applicants must have an ARIA account, with an up-to-date email address to apply and receive updates on application progress.  


The Application and Review Process


The application process is handled via the online application system and written in English.
The receiving Institution should carefully consider their ability to support the applicant and the proposed work. This is a significant commitment and FS coordination may need to contact the receiver to confirm this before the application is approved.
The applicant will need to provide an acceptance letter from the host Institution attached to the online application. See acceptance letter template here.
Applications will be evaluated by a panel review within the FS Training WP. The Training panel review is asked to judge the quality of the candidate and the research project associated with the staff exchange with the major criterion being the projected benefit to the Fragment-Screen project. In case of high number of applications received, soft criteria such as Institution’s distribution, geographic location, field of expertise and WP distribution, career stage of the applicant or gender balance will be taken into consideration.


Duration of Support
Staff exchanges are intended for visits of roughly 2 weeks. Staff exchanges should take place within 1 year of the award.
Travel Costs and Subsistence Expenditures
The staff exchange award covers travel and subsistence expenditures of the applicant but not of any dependents. The financial support for staff exchanges will be capped to 1600€.
End of Staff Exchange Report
Within 2 months after completion of the staff exchange, the participant(s) must submit a staff exchange report through the online submission system ARIA.  The end of Staff Exchange report should include details of the training provided, the research objectives accomplished, results and further work to be undertaken. Diagrams, charts or figures may be included in the report.

Call Closes:
23-Aug-2024 23:00 CEST

Click the button to begin your application for this call. Your draft applications will also appear here as well as on your dashboard and can be continued at any point.

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